| - MY DOG WAS MISDIAGNOSED DUE TO CARELESSNESS RESULTING IN OVER $700 IN EMERGENCY VET BILLS. Do NOT bring your dog here. I brought in my pup who clearly had a UTI infection. After treating her with a round of antibiotics, they asked me to bring back in a urine sample and gave me no instructions on how. I asked for a sterile container and was not given one. When I returned the sample in a plastic container I had, a fly had managed to get itself inside the sample. They told me no big deal. Then they tell me she still has a UTI infection even though her symptoms were gone and prescribed me a different antibiotic, Baytril. This is where it gets morbid.
My dog ended up having a severe allergic reaction to the medication, resulting in a visit to the emergency room at 2am because of her aggressively scratching her ear/neck to the point of blood. They had to cone her, sedate her, give her steroids and Benedryl shots, and she still wasn't fine. I ended up taking her into another vet (Sunday) to where they assisted with giving her sedatives, anti itch, anti inflammatory, and steroids to go home with.
We are now in Day 3 with my dog trying to rip her own ear off. I call into Blue Cross and ask them when this should pass since all the other vets told me this was NOT normal and this was VERY severe and I was afraid for her life. Blue Cross tells me it's no big deal and if she isn't OK by Day 5 then to worry.
Day 6 - have not received a single follow up from Blue Cross. Re-test her urine with the new vet and BEHOLD SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A UTI and I can only assume the false reading was because of testing a non sterile sample.
$700 in vet bills later, my sanity is gone, missed work, my poor pup has experienced enough tragedy for a lifetime, my house is covered in violent diarrhea stains, and I am more bitter than vinegar. All of this could have been prevented by SANITARY PRACTICES.
My last bit: It is now Day 7 and I haven't received a single follow up call from Blue Cross. I've received four in total from the vet who took over. I think it's pretty clear who cares for my dog's health.