Wow. ..shocking, coffee absolutely Sucks. Bitter, overly hot, foam is bubbly like dish water. .. Where's your fine creamy foam? The dude was so bitter who "helped" us. Looked like he'd had a night on meth and hated the world for it. My friend had a chai that tasted like super sweet vanilla syrup with burnt milk on it. It cost closer on 14 Bucks. The area is horrible amid a sad food court so we just left. We're staying at the palms place which is great. .. so walked back and that's the only reason we went there. .. I'm no fan of star Bucks but it's easily way better any day! Don't do it. .I'd read reviews here which were pretty bad but thought maybe those clients had a bad day. Now I'm having a bad day. ..control, alt, delete this place for all of humanity.