| - I've been to this establishment three times now. The first two visits were fabulous. The third time, I had a different massage therapist. She began by pressuring me into upgrading to a deep tissue massage, insisting that I'd get half an hour on my body and half an hour on my feet, as opposed to all feet with the basic massage. I told her that I had been there before, and that I was familiar with the basic massage, and that that was all I needed. I also let her know that my feet were what needed attention the most on this day. She kept pressing, and I caved. The massage was overall awkward. She kept leaving the room, and when she would return, it felt like she was diving back in to attack me. This kicker is that she spent a total of 5 minutes on each foot (I watched the clock above my chaise). She did zero reflexology; it was about the quality of a pedicure massage. The total massage time ended at 45 minutes. I walked out of there with as much foot pain as when I went in, and I was angry. One should never leave a massage angry. I will maybe go back, but if so, I will make sure to request the employee I had on the first two occasions (or at least never get that last one again).