Kris is the best. I'm 26 and have suffered from cystic acne and regular acne for most of my adult life. If it wasn't on my chin, it was on my forehead. I had it everywhere. My cheeks, my nose, my hairline. My face was looked perpetually scarred because I'm Asian and get hyperpigmentation after my pimples heal. I finally had enough and found Kris. She made it clear that I had to follow a very strict regiment of skincare, and that included buying the products that she sells for acne. It's a very small investment for amazing skin, and I've spent much more trying to keep my acne at bay with drug store and other high end products that never worked for me. After a week of using the products and after the facial she gave me, my acne was slowly clearing. I still had crappy pigmentation, but I stuck with the routine Kris gave me and saw her every 3 weeks.
I'm in month 5 now and my skin is amazing. I don't even have to (and I don't) wear foundation anymore. She has brought back my natural color and cleared all the hyperpigmentation. I have maybe gotten one pimple since? It was because I had an emergency trip back home for a couple days and didn't bring any of my acne products. I just texted her about it when I felt it coming and she told me exactly what to do. It went away within a couple days and no other pimples came up.
Kris also took time to clear out all my milia cysts! These are closed whiteheads that can appear around the eyes. I've had them my whole life. MY WHOLE LIFE! they're gone now! I love the way my skin looks. Her skincare line and her facial routine has kept my skin looking amazing. I see her every 5 weeks now just to keep my skin clean and balanced. You must stick with her skincare routine for results. If she doesn't know what you're using then there's no way she can make the necessary changes or use the correct peels on your face. And truthfully after these 5 months I've only had to refill the toner (that I spilled all over my counter) and the facial cream because I love it so much.
Definitely see Kris if you're sick of having crappy skin.
Thanks Kris!