Only reason I'm holding back a star is the bun. I drove from Avondale to try this place (I'm on a quest, don't judge). I ordered 4 Sonoran hot dogs (to be fair, they only serve Sonoran style, so there's no confusion) and a Diet Coke and then began the waiting game...
Pretty short waiting game. Less than 5 minutes and a slightly awkward moment where I'm unintentionally eavesdropping on the Spanish conversation behind me later, I'm out the door with 4 delicious dogs in hand.
The great- the beans are nice and spiced. Just a little kick in the aftertaste to bring it all together. The toppings are fresh and placed on the dog in the right order. The dog is hot and the bacon is crispy without being burnt.
The mediocre- The bun. It's too soft and can't hold the toppings. And mine felt soggy. Not sure if they steamed it beforehand, but I don't like soggy buns. I'd prefer a tougher bun that can hold the delicious toppings without falling apart.
All in all, it was worth the drive. Easy to find, delicious dogs, authentic toppings. Highly recommend.