10/13/15 @ 12:57am: After counting over 200 sheep's and still not being able to fall asleep I headed over to Circle K, upon my arrival I saw a lady by coffee station organizing the area I went straight to the register to get cigarettes (yes I know it's horrible) I waited by the register for couple minutes and lady didn't come over to assist me now keep in mind of the time it's not rush hour so I figured maybe she didn't see I went straight to register so I said I'm ready and she said " I'll be there in a minute" in a annoyed tone of voice so I continued to wait and after she was done she came over didn't bother to say hi or how she can assist me (which I guess she doesn't have to be friendly) so I told her "I'll have Camel Crush Menthol" she then annoyed of my question asked "which ones regular or menthol?" So it took me a 1/2 second to answer and now more annoyed than even she pointed and stated "regular or light?! Regular or light?!" I told her "the green pack (which is regular)" she grabbed the pack and just threw them kinda like slammed them on the counter which then I proceeded to tell her that she doesn't have to be rude she quickly changed her tone and attitude and started saying " I wasn't trying to be rude I was just asking (S. Meika). My point is sucky customer service!