We were hoping this show would be more like STOMP which is a clever percussion group playing household and recycled items with different rhythms and sounds. Sadly, it was not. It was mainly two drummers who actually played their instruments well and the other two, guitarist and keyboard player who pretended to do so. There were times they had their hands over their heads clapping while the sounds of their instruments were playing ... LOL. So, it was definitely pre-recorded. A few times the main drummer would go into monologues (time fillers) that were uninspiring, though he tried to be. At the end of the show, he gives another chat about ol' high school days when "tongues touched tongues". Most of the audience were young kids and parents, family-based. So, some of his commentary was inappropriate. The skit with the guests on stage was long and boring. All in all, if the show was kept to decent music making and less talk, it would have lasted only 45 minutes. It was 90 minutes. I guess you can't leave Vegas without going to at least one cheezy show. And, this was it.