My last experience at a fat burger was very vague, so to say less I wasn't really on the first train Smokin' to get here. Bowling with friends and drinking like a sailor led me to do it! It had to be close to midnight and I was shocked to see the sign still lit at the end of the dark food court. We sat at the bar and read the menu to the best of our abilities!
Deceived by my beer goggles I felt the xxl would provide me just enough beef to feel like it wasn't quite a fast food burger.. to the burger I added bacon, cheese, and yess an egg! I also opted for a side of chili cheese fat fries and a Maui banana shake!
To the facts. The burger was divine, well seasoned, and cooked fresh before our eyes! Oh yea that mofo was Humongous! The fries were huge and loaded with so much cheese and chili, they even provided me with Tabasco sauce to top them! Last and least favorite was the Maui banana shake. It was cool but I wanted more real bananas and I think I seen him use a concentrate which was not bueno!