| - OMG! Why is it so freaking hard to get a good gel manicure out here?!! There are too many nail shops here, so why are people messing it up?!!
This is my second nail shop I've attempted to get a good gel manicure and I am utterly disappointed but this one just takes the cake! It's bad enough I don't like living out here and having to find a new nail spot is like trying to win the lottery out here! I only came here because my grandma recommended it but boy was this an EPIC FAIL!
My mom and I made an appointment for one gel manicure and one regular manicure. When we walked in we weren't really greeted nor was it that busy to not have been greeted. A man just said "How can I help you", but never came up to the counter to greet us. A female employee came up to us and asked what we wanted, she brought me some colors but she was hovering over me while I tried to pick a color which was odd because normally they let me look at the colors on my own instead of watching over me.
Maybe I picked the wrong colors because my nail tech took quite a while to find them, yes I am very indecisive but it shouldn't take that long to find a color, she said 2 of them they didn't even have so why even have them on display if you don't carry them?!
So I know everyone does things differently when it comes to removing and applying gel but why do they make it so freaking complicated?! She started sanding them off and then made me squeeze both of my hands into a small bowl of acetone. The acetone is very cold and dried my hands out :/ My OG nail tech usually wraps them in foils for a bit and then tries to sand them off and usually that takes them off. This girl used a scraper which can be a bit uncomfortable especially when it comes to the sides of my nails, and then kept telling me to put my hands back in the bowl.
I've noticed out here the techs do not properly know how to remove them, it takes ridiculously long out here to remove gels, I spent an hour and a half in here which is ridiculous for a gel manicure. Finally she gets them off but when it comes to properly cutting my cuticles no one knows how to do it out here! I know I have a lot of excess skin because I deal with a lot of paper and water so when she barely touched over them I knew that was a red flag. I politely asked her if she could go back and re do them and she said "You don't have any cuticles"? BS, when I get my nails done back in the OC my nail tech gets to the nitty gritty and removes all of the cuticles!
I really should have just gotten up and left at that point, it was too many red flags, I was hopeful it would have gotten better but it didn't. When it came time to putting the actual gel polish on my tech seemed very unknowledgeable on the application, the polish was just slapped on and it was bad she had to break out the brush with acetone to attempt to clean up the sides and edges when in reality she was just removing the gel polish. You can see in my pictures the sides of my nails aren't completely covered in polish because she used the brush.
She would ask me how I liked them and when I would tell her she would just get the brush out or add more coating to my nails. She tries to blame it on me because I asked for extra glitter on my nails and that's why they are so lumpy and bumpy, um EXCUSE ME?! I've been getting extra glitter on my nails for years and they never came out this AWFUL!! At the end of the day it comes back to the actual gel application and if it's not done properly this is how your nails will come out... looking a hot mess!!
I told her repeatedly I wasn't happy and she says "What do you want me to do, file it down?" Um excuse me, after the fact?! You shouldn't have even took my money for a horrible job like this! Best believe I did not leave a tip, I was so angry and upset I left crying! No woman should ever leave the nail shop in such distress and disappointment! If you want to get ripped off and left with a sloppy nail job then come here. If anyone is reading this review and knows a legit nail shop that can do a GOOD gel manicure please let me know! This is the 2nd nail epic failure!