By pure luck my Mom found Ed on craigslist and had him come do a quote on my front yard. I hadn't planned to do the landscaping but you know Mom, she puts a bug in your ear and before long all of a sudden you realize you're full steam ahead and having it done. So I had a couple other companies quote it and Ed's quote for Showready Landscape was by far the cheapest. A little worried about getting what I paid for I still went forward with it hoping for the best. I left for work yesterday morning with a front yard that was mostly dirt with a nice healthy mix of crab grass and weeds. Came home to a place that looked too good to believe! I honestly don't know how they did what they did in a single day and for the price I paid! There was no pressure before hand and they delivered beyond what I expected! I had a patch of artificial grass done and rock spread along with a side parking area that they smoothed out and covered in a packed material. I'm absolutely stoked on the outcome and already had one neighbor give me a thumbs up driving by and another yell that it looked amazing! Once my dog gets a little older and less puppy digging like I will absolutely be talking to them about ideas for my backyard! Hmmmmm, maybe next years tax return since this year's was spent on the front!