Dr. Tabassi was an amazing Doctor when I went to her with my first pregnancy 2 1/2 years ago! I always said when I have a second baby I'm going back because she is so amazing! Although the office back then was very unorganized and I would have to sit and wait for over 30 minutes to get in , my delivery experience was amazing because of her! She really made me feel like it was only us two in the room and kept telling me I can do it and to push and that I'm a warrior! She was over the top amazing and always recommend her to others ... Unfortunately going through my second pregnancy currently at only 8 weeks I'm unable to go to her because I'm a cash payer with no insurance so when I called this past week they said the visit is 500.00 just for the first visit and every time after that was 100 or so I believe ... So it sucks I wish the first visit wasn't so high because I would be going to her and unfortunately have to go to someone else here in a few weeks which sucks ... But Dr. Tabassi is amazing and would recommend her to anyone