| - I hate writing negative reviews, mainly because any time I read a negative review it always seems like the person has unrealistic expectations or is just angry. However, I felt like this situation required a review, given my experience with Luxor.
I received a Luxor postcard on my door and was in the process of wanting to get my house exterior painted, so I decided to reach out to them for a quote. I submitted a request online, and after about 4-5 days I received a voicemail from the office representative, Roxanne. Very nice message asking me to call back to schedule a time for the quote. I called back and left a voicemail regarding my availability. She called back one or two days later and left me another voicemail asking me to call again for a quote appointment. I called back that same day and had to leave her yet another voicemail stating that I was available any time later that day (it was 10am). The rest of the day goes by and I don't hear anything until approximately 5:30 PM when I get a call and am finally able to talk to Roxanne in person. Very nice on the phone, and she apologized for not getting back to me until so late.
Despite requesting a Thursday appointment, I rearrange my work schedule to have the quote performed the following Monday. We arranged for a time of between 8 and 9 AM. I asked for the person to give me a call 10 minutes prior to arrival. Monday morning came and no one showed up. Didn't receive a phone call. I had finally needed to leave home around 9:50 to get to work, as I had already rescheduled my entire day to be home for the quote. I still have yet to hear anything from them.
I get it. Stuff comes up. Schedules need to be changed. I travel to peoples' homes for a living also, but I also understand first and foremost that no one else's time is less important than my own. If I'm not going to make it on time, I at least call and let them know.
It's a bummer, because Luxor has other very good reviews on yelp, which is why I wanted to receive a quote from them in the first place. However, even if they come back and apologize profusely, by this point I have lost all faith in this company that they will ever show up on time, be done with the job on time, or even do it correctly.
Hopefully Luxor will read this and make the appropriate changes so they don't lose any additional customers in the future.