If you have a Papillon do NOT groom it here. I have a papillon who's black has faded to a beautiful brown giving him nice layers of different colors.
We told them NOT to cut any colored fur and only to cut the white fur on his belly (because it's unsanitary when he pees) which they did not do.
I pick him up and the fringe around his ears are gone! They cut almost all the black around his face which will take up to a year to grow back, obviously not listening to the instructions I gave. I had a word with the groomer and she tells me it's NORMAL to cut their fringe!!!
What world does she live on?
You would think they would know a thing or two about how different breeds coats are supposed to look and that a papillon means butterfly in French! They are MEANT to have fringe around their ears because they look like butterflies!
AWFUL experience. They are scissor happy, inexperienced groomers who have no idea what they are doing and do not listen to instructions!