This show was so unique! I really preferred this type of a show vs. the flashy Cirque shows (minus absinthe which was amazing as well). The women in this show were all the same in size and I think that's such a cool thing that they managed to make the show so in sync. It was very sensual but tasteful. I liked the way that the theater was sort of small and intimate so that you could really take in the performance up close no matter where you sat. Every seat is a good seat. I'm sure the show changes rather frequently but the one that I saw I really enjoyed. It reminded me of something from the 60's. My favorite performance was the one to the song "toxic" and there were a few others that I swore I would remember the names to write on yelp but of course cannot remember now! Any-who, this is a must see in Vegas for the tastefully sexy crowd.
** FYI it is topless so don't bring someone that you would feel uncomfortable watching the show with.