This place literally tried to create problems for my kid to get money and have me keep coming back. One minute they said he had slow development. Then they said his head shape was weird and would need a $3,000 helmet!!! All lies. Then they tried to say my kid had hypotonia at 7 months old (low muscle tone) and would never be able to even throw a ball!!! Again LIES!!! They just wanted money. My son is a completely healthy one year old who has been walking since 10 months and is completely healthy! Don't let this place feed u the bs it fed my family and brought me to tears!!! Also the dr is so cold hearted when he told me these lies he said was so rude and harsh about it! It was disgusting. And they also tried to run all of these blood tests and MRIs on a healthy kid so they could get money! Shame on them! Also it wasn't a "maybe he could have this".. It was a "for sure he has this let's run all these bullshit tests to see what's caused it even tho the tests are completely pointless so let's put ur infant through a ton of pain"... And again. They completely lied and were wrong. Disgusting people.