The best sushi in the area from a mostly-traditional restaurant.
-Excellent sushi
-Open sushi bar that is entertaining to watch
-Traditionally dressed waiters who are friendly
-The most perfectly cooked steamed vegetables
-Traditional on-floor seating available
-Items on the menu to try:
-Gyoza is an excellent appetizer
-Sushi is the focus and pride of the restaurant, and rightfully so
-The bento box provides the opportunity for a first-time visitor to try all of the delicacies the restaurant offers, including a healthy portion of nigiri and roll sushi plus some excellent tempura
-The tempura is well-cooked and not overly greasy. This is a great option for diners not interested in sushi or seafood.
-Slightly crowded
-What began as some beautiful pieces of art has turned into much tchotchke
-Waiters are often brief in their explanations of dishes