| - This just happened last night, so I wanted to capture it while the memory is still fresh.
First, I travel for work and go to a lot of strip clubs. I have dated dancers (both casually and seriously). I understand that you shouldn't expect the same level of attractiveness in Pittsburgh as in, say, Vegas or Houston or New York. I also understand that these girls need to make a living. In any city. So this is not a criticism of strip clubs. This is not even a criticism of Pittsburgh strip clubs. This is exclusively a criticism of Blush.
My friend, who will be married shortly, told me last night that he had never had a lap dance. Well, I certainly couldn't let that condition remain.
So I take him to Blush. When we walked in, it was in very good shape. The last time I was here, it was a little Pulp Fictiony. Very dirty. One floor. A lot of surfaces that would trap smells. The new Blush is very put together. Modern. Two stories. Great bar. I was impressed. Cover was $14, which is fine.
I explain the rules to my friend. No sitting on pervert row. No staring at a girl until you find the one you want a lap dance from. We walk in and immediately two dancers descend on us. Not good. I have never seen girls this pushy before. I tell them I'm gay to try to get them to back off. No good. Push push push.
My buddy is smiling at this point, though. And my objective for the night is clear, so I tell him to pick one. He chooses one of the pushy girls. Fine. I tell her that I am buying his lap dance. No extras. She says ok and both pushy girls dissapear with him. Clearly I know at this point that he is getting a double lap dance (which I clearly didnt ask for). No problem. My buddy is getting married, and these girls need to make a living. I'll play.
10 minutes later my buddy is back with a shiteating grin. Ok. Mission complete. "Let me pay, ladies." They take me in back to pay. $90 w/o tip. That is high for a lap dance in Pittsburgh. With Pittsburgh-quality dancers. I ask the girls about it. They say they brought in a 3rd girl. Ok. Again, I didn't ask for it, but my buddy deserves this experience. I pay and tip. Cash.
As my buddy and I are walking back to the car things take a sour turn. He tells me, "Man that was expensive." I tell him not to worry about it. I don't mind paying. He tells me that HE paid. $100. Now I know that I've been "Blushed." And I'm pissed.
So I ask him the question that I already know the answer to... "How many girls were with you?" ... "One."
So not only did they overcharge me. They doubled up by taking it from me, AND THE GUY GETTING MARRIED.
Let this story serve as a cautionary tale to residents of Pittsburgh or visitors travelling through. Ignore their low-budget bugeye commercials. Steer clear of Blush. You don't deserve an experience that amounts to having to defend yourself all night long at a strip club.
Also, with the exception of the headliners, you are not going to see conventionally attractive women. Granted, this is the opinion of a traveler who visits strip clubs in major cities.
Lastly, Blush... have something of an ethic and a pride in your profession. Yes, the girls need to make money. But charging for services not rendered is wrong. Making a guest of honor pay after his buddy has agreed to foot the bill is just wrong.
Stay away from this bush league strip joint.
Addendum: my bar bill last night was $40. Today they charged me $100. If you go here, and clearly you shouldn't, do NOT give them a credit card.