So, I've lived in Vegas for nearly 12 years now and I always wanted to visit the original Charleston Antique Mall location upon passing. It's been one of those places that I've made a mental note of wanting to visit for the past 12 years and finally after they relocated, I am finally able to check it off my list.
Let me start off by saying I loooove antique shops. I'm one of those people that can pick up an antique item and formulate a history of who the item belonged to, what their life was like, and what the item meant to them. Yeah, I'm a bit strange. I often enter antique shops and feel an eerie sense of haunting and paranormal attachment. However, in the Charleston Antique Mall, I didn't quite feel that (which is a good thing). It could also be the fact that my inner self was well aware of the fact that the current location is what used to be a Peter Piper Pizza aka TONS O' FUN!
I personally enjoyed walking through the Mall. They have it broken up into many different sections which makes for an experience like walking through an antique museum. They seem to have arranged items according to certain themes, which I loved. Looking at the prices of many of the items, they seem quite reasonable as well. I easily lost track of time walking through the entire Mall.
As a huge sports buff, the only thing I wish they had more of was sports related items. I hope to see more in the future--I will be making frequent visits!