I used to like going to them but I DO NOT like them anymore! The first time I went there was really nice but the second time I went, they started their new policy of you can't be more than 5 mins late. The first time I went it was nice and I was more than 5 mins late and they didn't turn me away. The second time i went, i was 8 mins late and they turned me away. Mind you, the first time I went was monthsss ago and they didn't start their retarded new policy! IF you are gonna start doing ur policy, remind people on the phone when they make the appointment. You guys are NOT important enough for me to remember you policy ok? And NOT all of us goes to the waxing place every 3 weeks. So to me these are just excuses that you say to make urself not look bad. I was really pissed and i'm still pissed this happened because that second time i went back was the day that fiance was visiting me from out of town and they just messed it up. Im signing up on yelp just so I can write this review, and NO this isn't a personal attack on YOUR staff! It's just on the manager that handle the situation.