I received free passes for the back row to this show, face value of just under $50. I would not pay that much to attend this show and sit in the front row.
The show has a few funny moments but overall it is dated and reminiscent of the humor from 90s sitcoms, discussing the differences between how men and women communicate and behave, connecting our current habits as inherited from our caveman ancestors.
Overall the show itself was not particularly funny and most of the material did not seem new. As others have said, there are several awkward pauses and lulls in the set, almost as if they are built in for audience participation or applause, but unfortunately there was not much of that at the show I went to.
The set is very basic and the improv room itself dated with framed photos of 80s-90s comedians on the walls. While it was not entirely a waste of time, I'd definitely suggest finding a discount or comp passes rather than paying full price- I do not think the original cost was justified by the performance I saw.