My iPhone 6 Plus display had some issues. The first time it was constant, and they replaced the phone. When I went to Hawaii, for some reason only certain apps caused the screen to slowly get lines then black out ( Yelp, Facebook, maps) but not YouTube, Netflix or any video app.
Good thing I at least filmed it using another phone, because a screen shot picture would not show the problem. However, once I got to Las Vegas, the phone did not seem to have any problems; only occasionally after a reboot. After that it appeared to work fine.
Oscar had the display replaced, but it seems my battery drains faster. He did a diagnostic and it said the battery was good. I am happy so far, as I stuck around the store to see if it would act up again.. It did not...
I was 2nd in line and this replacement took only one hour.. Which I burned looking at the iPad pro.. New as of this writing...
Thank you! But I will update if the display fails again