| - Ok, so let's get the nasty stuff out of the way first: a lot of people pun this place "Whole Paycheque". Yes, if you were to do all of your grocery shopping here it would be expensive. But I'm predisposed to calling it "(w)Holy Foods". Here are three reasons why:
1. Customer service counts big for me.
Here's a specific example: there was a sale on shrimp. I didn't know how to devein and clean them (don't judge; admitting this to you is an important part of the story!). The woman behind the seafood counter cheerily showed me her technique, and then told me to loop 'round at the end of my shopping. When I did, she had cleaned and packed up my order. She saved me time, money (cleaned for the sale price of uncleaned) and generally provided an uplifting data point to prove that PEOPLE ROCK.
Today I was in for an obscure nutritional supplement, and I had two staff members helping me not only to find it, but also to learn more about it, and then to discuss ways of incorporating it into my diet. No matter how busy it is, I always can find a staff member willing to be patient with my questions.
2. Shop the sales
If you follow the path of the yellowy-orangeish signs that spell out in cursive "sale!" can score big. My favourite kombucha, for instance, was recently on sale for over a dollar off what other stores charge for it. I have great success with 2/$5 frozen items, bulk items, and sales on produce.
3. It's not just about the money...
it's about the brands that Whole Foods carries, and the range of product selection within the brands, and the cost-to-pain-in-ass-factor-of-finding-this-product balance. Travelling and wanting a natural dose of potassium? I know of no other place in the city that sells my beloved (seriously: it's more than feelings of "like") bananas dehydrated in lime. I'm not vegan, or someone who needs to adhere to a gluten free diet, but I know my friends who fall into both categories appreciate the diversity of stocked product that caters to them. It's worth paying a premium for those special items.
So, sure...I might not go here for my staples, but Whole Foods certainly features regularly on my shopping roster.
Worth noting: since the renovation the layout of the store makes a lot more sense. The "marketplace" components (bakery, amazing rows of hot and cold salad bar items, cheese wheel complete with samples, quick grab prepared foods, pizzas, sushi, etc.) are one one side of the store, with an easily accessible cash. The rows of more standard grocery items, the fish and produce sections are to the other side. BaddaBAM, logic reigns supreme.
Yelp note: it's an awkward place to park, so keep in mind that there's underground parking (which the cashier will validate), and an elevator that takes you straight up into the store.