I know what you are thinking. You are thinking " Meat-eater hates vegetarian place".
Not True.
In fact, I love vegetarian places. They open up a lot of avenues for creativity and new uses for dishes that require meat. One of my favorite restaurants is The Graceful Vegetarian at Kennedy and Steeles and it never disappoints.
This place however doesn't have a lot going for it. Unless you live in the area, I wouldn't recommend trekking out for it. The atmosphere is nice but the food lacks character and its hard to define an identity for this place because it jumps between Japanese and Chinese cuisine so decisively that I find it a little jarring. If it were Asian fusion like Ginza then I'd be able to understand the restaurant a bit better, but I felt there was little thought put into the design of the menu from that perspective.
I had their potato soup, Vegetable Tempura and the Crispy Noodles with Duck. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't memorable either. It was a bit bland and I found it hard to get into each dish. I wanted it to be better but didn't deliver on this level either.
With some work this place could be absolutely fantastic but I don't see any signs of it yet. There are sushi options and noodle options. There is a bit of away to go but this place could get there and I'd be glad to visit again in the near future if that happens.
Note: Non-gluten eaters will have a hard time eating here as most of the food uses gluten in their recipes.