| - I think the idea is great. Floatation therapy: a way to soothe your body and mind by floating weightless in a warm salt water pod. I did a few float sessions back when True Rest was in North Scottsdale, and I wanted to try them out again after their relocation to Tempe.
The interior is still calm and serene, and I think the waiting area is nicer since they seem to have more space than the old location.
When I entered, I awkwardly stood around for 5 minutes or so while the front desk attendant was in the back. It was just a minor point to the overall experience, but if this is my first time at a new place, I like to have a staff member there in the front to greet me immediately when I enter.
Just like other floats, for me at least, it took me about half the allotted time to actually get used to the idea of floating. Once I did get relaxed, it really eased any muscle pains and helped clear my mind.
While I do enjoy flotation therapy as a way to soothe tense muscles, for me the price is cost prohibitive on a regular basis. The cost for 1 hour is roughly the same amount as a one hour massage at some places, even with a basic membership which makes the cost cheaper. For me at least, I would rather pay the same amount for someone to massage out any tense muscles. It's not to say that floatation therapy is not a valid way to relax, it really is, but for me, I feel more worth in the same amount of money spent on having a therapist focused on easing out sore muscle pains.