| - I'm new to the area and was on a quest to find my ideal art supply store. Jerry's Artarama lives up to my sky-high expectations (I'm an elitist when it comes to art materials...) This place is HUGE. You've been to Utrect? Multiply that times six and you have Jerry's Artarama.
Not only that, but this place has about six times more inventory than their aforementioned competitor. You're paying a few cents more on some items, but it's worth it. Why, you ask?
Everything is nicely laid out--nothing is jammed into the space. I felt like I could breathe as I explored aisle upon aisle of creative materials; to me, "breathing room" is essential when you're dreaming up your next creation. No anxiety or claustrophobia here.
I'd rather pay a few cents more when I'm being helped by competent, experienced and knowledgeable artists. Never should one walk into a store like this knowing more than the staff. All of my questions were answered and the employees I spoke with listened as I relayed my experiences with similar products.
The brush aisle (well, aisles) is heaven on earth. At Jerry's Artarama, you will find the largest selection of student- and artist-grade brushes ANYWHERE. Finally, an art supplier that provides cups of water and paint for one to test the brushes before purchasing them! (Why would you buy a car if you can't test drive it first? Same principle.)
I noticed that there was a big space on the south side of the store for classes to be held. This particular afternoon, an instructor was preparing for her next demonstration. There's a different class every single day held at Artarama. Count me in!
I left inspired and excited, but most importantly, I left feeling confident that I made the best choices possible. Thank you Jerry's Artarama!!!