If you are looking for a private deep tissue massage this is not the place for you. The place is basically one room with about 15 comfy recliners. It is quiet and relaxing none the less.
They massage your shoulders, legs, temples, and arms while your feet soak. Then they give you a wonderful foot rub. Get the next package up and add 15 mins for your back. The prices can not be beat (20 for 30min, 28 for 45 and I want to say 35 for an hour. I usually always get the 45 to hour package. Walk ins are welcome and I have only had to wait once. Seriously, just walk in and they take care of you. If you plan on going during a holiday then I would suggest making an appointment just in case. The one time it was busy was during a holiday.
I recommend this place for a nice inexpensive fix!