As customers, we all know the cliche "you get what you paid for; we also universally pray it's not true. Unfortunately, this is absolutely the case with Jared Galleria of Jewelry next to PV Mall. I took my platinum wedding ring in for re-sizing a 2nd time after an unsuccessful 1st attempt 2 months ago. They kindly offered the re-sizing at no-charge and gave me a 4 day completion date. I went in today to pick up my ring and they had polished my matte-finished ring to a point where it was unrecognizable as the original. As it has deeper than just the obvious sentimental meaning, it was like looking at a different ring all together. I'm not complaining with a courtesy cleaning which should always be appreciated, but there was zero mention at the time of drop-off that this was even a remote possibility. The staff was nice enough and will hopefully fix the issue without further inconvenience. Aside from getting my ring sized, I do not plan on returning; they are simply not worth the hassle.