It's actually difficult to rate these cupcakes in a way. We were treated to them in work by someone who had spent a few weeks there and it was a lovely gesture so I feel a little bad writing a negative review. The company delivered the cupcakes to work (downtown) for her which I thought was great service. The cakes looked great. Some were just regular cupcakes but others were decorated with fantastic chocolate lollies. Because it was a hospital setting they had moulded lollies of nurses, bandaids, bones etc. Very cute!
Unfortunately, cupcakes aren't purely about the cute factor. They're also meant to taste good. The cake was pretty good-a light and airy chocolate. The frosting was disgusting. I will quite happily eat frosting all by itself usually but ended up spitting this out and dumping the whole thing. It's not buttercream, it's not cream cheese; it's some kind of grainy, synthetic, whipped entity that just tastes of chemicals. Generally if something has fat and sugar in it, I'll eat it but I had to draw the line when it came to these cupcakes.
I liked the delivery and they looked so cute. It was a shame that they were essentially inedible. Is buttercream that difficult to master?!?