DONT PLAY STAY FAR AWAY!!! Its dosent matter how clean a place is to a certain point if the owner and workers are mean and horrible.First problem is they never open on time 10:00 am means you get there 10 to 5 minutes eariler and set up.Because i end up with my son screaming in the back wanting to go in.The last time i said something and they told me to go else where really?.Another problem is the back in the place where there a water fountain is, the floor is a hard title no mats kids and younger kids run back there and can easily slip.So with floor being tile they can get serious hurt i told them that they said nothing we can do.They should have said oh thats not good lets see what we can do.They can get those black mats that they use in hotel kitchens that would work and not cost to much but they dont care.My son had way to much close calls so in my opion i would not take my child there they cant be trusted!