This has far less to do with this Target in particular and more to do with the CVS pharmacy inside. I have been using this pharmacy for years before it was CVS and it was bad before but it is near my home and gym and out of habit I kept returning despite odd hours/lunch times the pharmacy being closed completely for their lunch being out of my meds that are common medications that all pharmacies should have in stock. Anyway I have a particular medication where it is an inconvenience to me because I physically have to walk the prescription into the pharmacy which is fine. The last time I went in to get it filled the pharmacist did not even check the contents of the bottle to make sure that it was the correct kind of medication. I was in a rush and did not ask them to show me the medication but that is what they are supposed to do without being asked. A week later I went to open and use my refilled prescription and, well, it was not what was prescribed. Not just bad....reaaaalllly reaaalllly bad. Now I am inconvenienced again, I missed taking my medication this morning, it is a holiday so I had to leave a voicemail for my Dr. letting him know what CVS did to me and now I get to wait to see if they are even open today along with the fact that I am pretty sure it is some sort of violation to give someone the wrong prescription.