| - My son's iPhone 5 was draining battery badly, and God knows today's generation cannot function in society without Instagram. The screen was also badly cracked due to an unknown phenomenon called "Noidea", that seems to randomly strike expensive electronics. At the time, we were still a few months away from any Apple hints of a new iPhone release, so I offered my son a most difficult choice: SCREEN or BATTERY...there was no both. After a few hours of his doleful pleas and mind wrangling over this parental torture, he sheepishly chose BATTERY.
Because this phone would be replaced in less than six months, I was very happy to find a less expensive alternative to the Apple Store. Add in the Yelp Deal, and I almost felt guilty not offering him "both". Alas, a valuable lesson would be learned here, so I kept my gob shut.
The helpful clerk explained the options, and even assured me that the battery could be replaced despite the cracked screen. We drove off expecting a few hours wait time, but got a call (on my non-spiderwebbed iPhone) in only about 35 minutes. So, we picked it up, and my son was once again able to lean his head down and be entertained by all the glories of the interwebnets.
Excellent service and repair job. His phone is like new...except for the splintered screen caused by the Noidea virus. Thanks for not selling me out on the discount!