Bad experience!!
Tattooist/owner charged my card $150.00 on top of the $600.00 fee I was set to pay for no apparent reason. Then lied to cover their tracks.
He later admitted to charging my card an extra $150.00 and huffed and puffed when I asked for my $150 back in cash. He gave me $100 cash back and then said $50.00 charge for using a card for payment. Which was another lie.
At this point I took a loss as it was late and I had to drive back to LA tired and disappointed.
I really think the artist is a passive aggressive and purposely held back on his talent because he was having a rough day. I could tell his heart wasn't in it.
This was my second visit to the studio that month and paid $1000 on my first visit. $600 second visit. I intended to have a lot of work done. No idea why he would act this way to a loyal customer.