This is the best dental office I have ever been to. Although I had not had any cavities in years I was experiencing pain. The first dentist I went to in Las Vegas five years ago told me I needed $3,200 in work, just to get started. So I looked around for a second opinion. Since we live close to Boulder City I thought I would give Dr. Rosenbaum a try.
On our first visit they took the time to get to know us and our health history and how it might affect our oral health. Unlike the doctor mentioned above, to that guy we were just a source of income.
Doctor Rosenbaum examined and said all I needed was to have a few fillings adjusted. After one visit the pain I had been experiencing was gone and has not returned. Dr. Rosenbaum said I would eventually need to replace a few fillings, but he guessed it would be a few hundred dollars, not $3,200!
The staff is friendly and they work with you to settle claims and bills. The hygenists are excellent, and Dr. Rosenbaum's manner and style shows he cares. Oh yeah, the office is clean and comfortable to.