Overall, MEH..... I thought it was going to be like a play type of thing. Like an actual Show. But it was more like corny jokes and interviewing the guest. The dining room was small only 2 rows. So I wouldnt waste money on VIP.. I mean unless you like to be 6 feet closer to the stage than the second row... I actually fell asleep during this show. Came out with a migrane from hell after as well. It was interactive. To the point that they make you work. No one wants to work at a show. they want to sit back and relax.... The food is mediocre at best. Dried pasta, soggy chicken, brown lettuce, stale rolls, and 2 day old cheesecake. For the money I'd definately suggest a different show. Unless your 50+ and enjoy watching interviews of boring drunk tourist all night. blehhhh.......