| - The 2016 National Day 25 Review Challenge/
Review 7 of 25:
Today Marie Callendar was on my calendar : The National Day Calendar ( Today was National Blueberry Pie Day. Being that I was nearby in Barnes & Noble and that Marie Callender's has a reputation for pies, I celebrated it in the Henderson Marie Callender's.
The method to my madness of observing at least 25 National Days is really to try new places, celebrate different foods and places. My observance of blueberry pie brought me through the doors of a restaurant chain that I had never set foot in before: Marie Callender's. My taste of Marie Callender's came from the box of their frozen foods dinner. When a restaurant sells their dinners in the frozen foods department of a supermarket, I am in no hurry to try it. But a National Day can change mindsets.
When I walked inside Marie Callender's, it was quiet. And when I walked in, I did not see a hostess. In the days of smartphone photography, I appreciate the opportunity to take pictures that waiting for the hostess to show up allows. Likewise I appreciate looking at the overhead menu. When it comes to the overhead menu, for whatever reason it displays more flavors than the website. Fast forward a couple of minutes later and Vanessa my waitress walked me to the table with a plate glass window view of Stephanie Street. I knew that I wanted the blueberry pie. I also knew that I recently had myself a decent size Weiss Deli breakfast causing me to pass over having ice cream on the blueberry pie. When Vanessa asked me if I wanted the blueberry pie warmed up, I said "yes."
A few minutes later, the National Day icon the blueberry arrived on my table. When I looked at the star of National Day, it was a wide toasty pie loaded with blueberries. In observance of the blueberry pie, I took a picture that I posted on Yelp and dug in. My only complaint was that I ordered the coffee with it. To put it kindly if their pies tasted like their coffee, they would be out of businesses. Their coffee tasted like it came out of the Colorado River. Going between the coffee and blueberry pie was a Foodie dance of Yummy and yuck. It spoiled the experience. I am glad that Vanessa never asked me if I wanted a refill on coffee. Marie Callender's needs to step up on their coffee because it brings the place down.
This Marie Callender's needs a busboy or somebody to assist Vanessa. When I looked to my right there were four tables in a row with dirty utensils and plates. As I mentioned earlier, it took a few minutes for somebody to seat me when the restaurant was virtually empty.
The bill came out to around $7.50. The slice of blueberry pie was $4.29 and the cup of coffee was $2.50.
It took me around 12 years to step foot in Marie Callender's. It might take the same amount of time to return to this location. But who knows, I never say never with a restaurant I rated three stars. With a few more National Pie Days ahead, I would like to try the three other Marie Callender's in Las Vegas. As far as drinking their coffee, no way!