For $9.00 this sandwich definitely did not live up to my expectations...
Based on how some of the food was presented online (and the price), I really thought the vegan sandwich would be this yummy gourmet beauty. Sounded really good on paper, but immediately when it came and I saw the presentation - basically a bunch of spinach on some store bought wheat bread with lays BBQ chips - I realized it wasn't going to be what I expected. It kinda looked like something my mom (who thinks vegans just eat grass or something) would try and whip out for me. I also found it strange that the sandwich was not even cut in half. Felt like I was eating a brick. Kinda odd. Even as a vegan, I could probably do better at Subway.
My suggestion would be to put it on some nicer bread, less spinach, and maybe add some pesto to it or something like that.
On the plus side green detox smoothie was well worth it.