My roommate and I came to the leasing office 10/21 in search of a 2 bed 2 bath. I had to be out of my place by the 1st and she wanted to be out of her current living situation. We viewed two units, one was an ungraded 3 bedroom, she showed us so we could get a feel for the kitchen(my roommate loves to cook). We also viewed a classic 2 bed 2 bath that didn't have any upgrades just so we could see the size and layout. We both loved the open layout, fire place, and patio so we agreed to pay the $100 holding fee. The unit we put a hold on was being fully remodeled and would have a brand new kitchen because the renters before us burned it down.
As we finish filling out the application Theresa mentions that we will have to set up an SRP account. Fast forward a week, we set it up and are told we have to pay $260 for the fees equipment ect. Now I get that this has nothing to do with the nines and they can't change the fees, but they were aware that it was both of our first times dealing with SRP and could have gave us a fair warning and/or told us about the SRP before we paid $100 to hold and paid the application fees.
So November 1st comes around and it's move in day. I wanted to stop by the unit around 11am but was told we could not move in until 5pm because the unit still needed to be cleaned. We get there and are rushed into signing the lease. And by rushed I mean the first 3 pages were clicked though and signed on our behalf. And when I took more than 30 seconds to read a page I was reminded that all I had to do was click on the highlighted boxes and move on to the next page. As we are "signing" a key to our unit was given to maintenance so they could do a "few" finishing touches to our new kitchen.
Mind you, all of our belongings are packed up into two cars, our two king sized beds falling in a pickup truck. We start burning boxes up to the unit dodging the two maintenance workers who seem to be moving as a snails pace. At first glance the apartment is beautiful. The only problems we noticed first was that one of the drawers in the kitchen couldn't be pulled out because the oven handle was in the way, and the closet in my room(the smaller of the two) was off its hinges. That we could have handled.
The next morning is when things crossed the line. One night/half of a morning was all it took for us to know the unit was not ready for move in. There was a hole in the kitchen wall, boarders were not done, the cocking in the shared bath was scarce and asking for mold. The lights flicker about 3 or 4 times before turning on, or sometimes just spark out and you have to turn the switch on and off again and wait a few more flickers to work. The water in the master bath only had one setting: scorching hot. Not only that but the bathtub was already clogged and you couldn't even turn on the shower head if you wanted to because it was molded down so water could only go to the tub. The fan in the dining area was not secure and wobbled back and forth every time you pulled the string to turn it on and if the setting was too high it looked like it was going to fall. The front door was crooked and you had to hold it a special way to get it closed and lock it. The lock was the only thing that could secure it to keep it closed. The door to the master bath was similar in the way it had to be shut. If all of that wasn't enough the layout was completely different than the units we were showed. The kitchen was like a closed off match box and there was no fire place.
When I brought these issues to the attention of the staff they told us it was all fixable and they would send maintenance up to fix the remaining issues. We wanted a completed unit and not one that they would be in and out of fixing. My roommate and I were both scheduled to work all day that day and didn't feel comfortable with that. We asked for a different unit and were told there were no other ones. No one wanted to help us or to understand our frustration.
After talking they agreed to dissolve our lease and return our money. My roommate had to call out of work and I had to purchase a uhaul to get all of our belongings out (this is November 2nd) by end of the business day.
I would have appreciated it more if the management would have just been upfront and told us that the unit was not ready for move in. Instead we had to rush to find a place to put our belongings. It was not an easy task. when asked to get in writing that the lease would be dissolved the agent that didn't give her name said that it was taken care of and I didn't need it in writing. I had to go to work and didn't have time to argue so my roommate went down and had to write up that they agreed to return our money and have the woman sign it.
Through all of this Theresa was very kind and seemed genuinely unaware of the state if the unit we were in. She even seemed shocked when I showed her the pictures and videos of what we experienced in as little as 16 hours living in the uni