Good people at this shop. Especially the guy with the beautiful beard. I thought I had broke my aspire tank so I went to buy a new one. As I was being rang up I asked "The Beard" if he had ever seen one of the aspire tanks come apart like this? He turned around and put the tank I was about to purchase back on the shelf, took the tank I thought I had broke and fixed it. I was ready to buy a new one and instead of just selling me what I asked for he went out of his way to just fix it and it saved me $35. At the end of the day I would have gladly paid the $35 and been happy. However "The Beard" is an honest man and just helped me out instead of selling me something I didn't need. Shop at this store because they're honest and good people who won't sell you something you don't need. Much respect for "The Beard" and this shop check them out.