| - Julio G's resides at the very bottom of the barrel when it comes to Mexican food in the valley. From the outside the bright and vividly colored building might make you think that it's some tasty independently owned hole in the wall, but don't fall for the mirage... you're walking into a dungeon of greasy food and bad service.
It took about five minutes to completely be turned off by this place. We sat down and were greeted by what had to be one of the most disinterested waitresses I've ever had. She had this vibe going that made us feel like we were inconveniencing her just by being there... her non-descript facial expression and attitude were overshadowed only by her terrible service; which could best be described as 'going through the motions' (even that is giving her too much credit though). Opening the menu yielded even more dissatisfaction... the menu itself was drab and gimmicky and was full of unflattering pictures of the food; making it feel like a chore to even pick out something that looked appetizing. One thing I noticed immediately that should have been a red flag was that for all of their chicken dishes, they charged about three dollars extra for white meat... that's never a good sign.
We eventually settled on a chorizo breakfast quesadilla and their sampler platter which included one of just about everything on the menu. The breakfast quesadilla was massive... it must've weighed about three pounds, the taste was okay but it was dripping with grease and after just a few bites it was hard to stomach any more of it. Our other dish; the sampler platter could best be described as a plate of hot garbage. The assortment of food was thrown on the plate and absolutely smothered with cheese... way too much cheese; in fact the plate itself was literally swimming in cheese which almost seemed to be liquefied... more than likely just an artery clogging mixture of melted cheese and grease. The meal was such a grease bomb that we probably ate about 20 percent of it, yet we felt like our stomachs were going to explode when we were done. There is that nice full feeling you get after you eat a well made meal at a good restaurant, then there is that feeling you get after you eat something like Julio G's; that feeling can best be described as 'Where's the toilet?'. To wrap up the lovely meal, the waitress messed up the bill and charged us for both of our drinks even though one of them should have came free with our breakfast quesadilla. At that point though, it was a mute point and we didn't have the energy or patience to try and explain what had happened to her, at risk of causing her brain to short circuit.
This is a place I can firmly say I won't be returning to under any circumstance. Julio G's is a poster child for everything a restaurant should NOT be. Bland and boring greasy food, huge portions but zero quality, and a wait staff that you'd swear just woke up from a long nap. To top it all off, the prices are a tad steep for a Mexican restaurant... so basically there's no reason at all to ever try this place. You've been warned... bleh.