One of the few pub patios in the area that gets a fair amount of sun in the summer (a lot of the rest are shady from all the tall buildings in the area).
For a place that doesn't have a ton of seating inside on the main floor we usually manage to find a table despite the crowd. They also have an upstairs that's rarely busy and can seat a bunch more people though the atmosphere up there is quite lacking compared to the main floor.
The clientele seems to be late 20's and up, and I get the impression they have a lot of 'locals'.
They serve an alright lunch, though it certainly isn't the pubs selling feature. For $8.99 you have the option of a turkey wrap, a ham/bacon/onion quiche, a chicken caesar salad or a burger. You can choose one of the following side: salad, fries, sweet potatoes fries or soup. The wrap was actually pretty good (simple, but not too bad) and the caesar standard if not a little on the garlicy side. Their typical pub food is okay too. Nachoes, wings, nothing really stands out as awesome but none of it stands out as bad either.
For me this place gets 4 stars in the winter and a 4+ in the summer, the difference being that sunny patio.