Have an interest in an Olympic sport that you can actually play? If you answered yes then you should try curling and this is the only place in Arizona to try it. The club regularly conducts Learn-to-Curl classes for ages 12 and up. The instructors are experienced curlers, patient and friendly.
The session starts out in the warn room covering basics of the sport. You then go into the ice house in groups of 3-4 newbies with each group having and instructor (great ratio). After learning how to deliver a stone and sweep groups are paired against one another for a short game.
You don't have to be a jock to play this sport. All it takes is some balance and flexibility and you could be curling regularly in no time. Check out their public Learn-to-Curl page for the next scheduled sessions: http://www.coyotescurling.com/Public_Learn_To_Curl.html