| - I'd been here on a couple occasions. One, to play drunken chess. The second time was to play sober chess.
The first time I came here, I was bar-hopping from Beauty Bar to Griffin and to here. After scarfing down the "greatest hot dog I've ever had in my life" (god now I know I was really gone) at the stand right outside this place on a friday night, my date and I ventured in here.
The bouncer/weird door guy did his job and carded me since it was no one under 21 is allowed in after 7pm (that's when they serve the beer). We sat down and had a sandwich. I forget which. Obviousluly for drunken reasons.
Nothing to write home about. It was just...okay.
Second time I came here recently, I ordered a large iced white mocha. It's a coffeehouse right? If I can't be drunk I may as well sample their specialty (and maybe pretend it's alcohol). Their large was, er, more of a medium. Maybe I've had one too many starbucks (not even that often), but this is comparable to their medium size for point of reference.
I liked that they didn't load it up with ice. Was okay. Sweet, but not the best I've had. It was still a lot of coffee so maybe the sizing was just right.
I like the fact they have games here for the public. Look up front. Chess and a couple of other old/donated board games. There's places to sit, plug in your laptops, and quietly chat. In the very back there's vinyl records for sale. They also play vinyl records at the front near the cashier.
*PLEASE remember to respectfully put back the pieces and return the game to the front! My poor white pawn and bishop were gone!*
Crowd here is cool. Old, young, students, businesspeople, drunkards (ha.), cops, whatever. Old guy with Dr. Dre beats headphones watching youtube on his laptop? Cool. Don't just automatically label this place as hipster. I like the chill mood in here.
Needless to say, I got my ass beat at chess the first time I was here. Lost all three games. I won best 2/3 the second time I was here. Fun afternoon killer, and a good stop in to hang out. Food/coffee wasn't stellar but this place is awesome for other reasons. I'm just waiting see a version of Friends here. Might not be my central perk, but it's definitely somebody else's.