This store calls "Matcha". You would have high expectation on the name if you are matcha lover and have tried real "Uji" matcha at Uji.
I ordered Uji matcha. Of course without sugar. Uji matcha is premium and very expensive matcha. No one would put sugar in it .
Staff was sort of hesitating making my "Uji matcha without sugar". I was looking how they make my drink. It was very interesting. My so-called Uji matcha came out from machine by pressing button, and he put scorching hot boiling water, then put in blender.... Sure I didn't see any actions of he putting sugar into my drink.
It came with a giant cup. I think it was as big as pint of beer. And omg, it was pint of green sugar water!!! Literally!!!
I asked him nicely. " I am so sorry but I asked for no sugar?"
And gentleman said that he didn't put any sugar. Apparently their matcha is pre-mixed with sugar and powder milk.
I asked if I can see the packages if they are actually Uji matcha. Of course he refused to show the packages.
Then I asked him where your matcha is coming from. He said its from Japan. I asked "whereabouts Japan?" He said he is not sure.
Yes the gentleman was even didn't know that "Uji" is region of matcha.
He admitted that it's not real matcha after I accused. Yes It's artificially modified enhanced green tea flavor powder. Well Now you should change your store name.