| - Scam! Buy a coupon on Groupon for filler or botox and think you are getting a deal? Think again. You have to pay $100 plus taxes to open a file, that is only refundable if you spent more than $300 on top of the Groupon coupon (despite whatever the receptionist tells you. She is, I believe, intentionally misleading). By the time I walked out of there I had spent what I would have at a high end clinic, but without the service. Expect an hour to two hour wait in a crowded, stuffy waiting room, and then all of 5 minutes for the injections. Little time is spent to assess the particularities of your facial muscles, shape, etc. Both the doctor and the injectionist are nice, the latter, perhaps, a little less than professional (checking her texts while preparing the injection, talking about a co-worker, etc.). The receptionist is a bully, and perhaps needs to be given the number of complaints they must receive. When I tried to question the billing, she was very rude. I don't recommend this place.