| - I feel like since I practically live at this Fry's (it's about .7 seconds away from home), I should probably put in my two cents.
I'll echo the majority of the reviews: This place has everything. (" Ice sculptures, winos, Germfs - German smurfs - a Teddy Ruxpin wearing mascara, an old lady wearing Kid 'N Play hair, and none other than DJ Baby Bok Choy.") So much so that if I didn't come here so much, I think I might get overwhelmed at where to find anything.
Produce prices are pretty much the best around, except for Sprouts. Nobody can beat Sprouts' produce selection (which surprised me too, until I started actively comparing). But to factor in convenience of having literally everything else on earth in the same location, I come here the majority of the time.
There IS a reason why they lose a star. They just can't seem to get a 100% grip on their bulk section. They FINALLY invested in nice Ziplock bags (it was hit or miss on what type of bag you'd find in time I found a pile of plastic produce bags laying there.) and FOR NOW they've set Sharpies up to write out the PLU number on the bags, but they seem to go missing. Every so often they revert to these terri-bad charcoal pencils where you unwrap thread from around the point to write. I've also constantly run into them being completely out of the two main staples I get in bulk: raw almonds and quinoa.
If they could perfect the bulk/"natural" section, they'd get 5 stars. But they'll get my money regardless, since they're so close. So I guess Fry's wins this battle.