I love this Petsmart!
It's in a great, convenient location with plenty of parking. I can pop in here while I'm doing shopping everywhere else so it is not out of my way. The store is always uber clean so I don't feel bad about bringin the ole' pup here. You know, you've been into stores where you don't want your own dog touching things. Sick.
The staff is incredible here! I've been here a million times and they're all super friendly and helpful. I swear they all know what's up in this place. Fleas? No problem. Dog outfit? Funny, I'm actually a personal shopper for pets. Bath soap? Allow me to show you where that is. Pet hotel? HA! We have that in the back.
This is a great spot to go for your pet and they always have really cute seasonal outfits.
Oh, and don't forget....when checking out make sure you donate to the homeless pets! :)