I dropped by Shokunin after work for a cocktail and a chicken isaw before the long walk home and was surprised with a dinner plate complimentary, courtesy of the uber brilliant and mercurial YYC chef Darren who believed that I should not live on cocktails and grilled chicken skins alone (LOL) -- voila! an incredible sablefish delicately grilled with velvety undertones like a prima Donna ballerina on her debut at the MET, technically flawless yet abounding with such sweetness; complete with her entourage of pickled red onions, fried garlic and tempura beer hop with a citrus dipping sauce - yes, this must be the grand encore of all encores on what had been a long dreary work night when foodie heaven revealed itself and I am happily tripping on sugar coated candy clouds clapping, BRAVO! #shokuninyyc. PS Careful, Chef. I may be compelled to issue you and your menu a sexy citation the next time I come around....