Too bad there is not an option for NO stars...Meeting clients for lunch, my associate and I were seated in the back, on the left in one of the middle booths. First red flag should have been that the back of the booth upholstered back and seat cushion had at least a 1" gap, exposing the wood frame its built on. We both sit down on one side, facing the back door. Waitress and trainee were very nice and got us water. After sitting for about 5 minutes, something catches my eye, I look down and in my lap is a COCKROACH!!!! I kid you not! I hit it out of my lap onto floor, and managed not to scream which is a miracle. I immediately got up and told my associate and waitress, quietly. Had to stay because we were meeting clients, moved to front table to white knuckle it through this meeting! I will never, ever go back.