I haven't been to this theater in a while because if given the opportunity I will always pass on the theater that doesn't have comfortable reclining seats. The theatre was always clean and the sound was good. If I was too lazy to go elsewhere, I was satisfied with this place for what it was.
But honestly, I will 100% not be back to the red rock movie theater until you step up your game and install the nice, reclining, seats. If I'm going to sit through a 2+ hour movie and pay what your are charging... I can't be adjusting my position in the seat constantly. It's 2018, time to step up, bite the bullet and get the seating that the people want. Even though this theater is like 8 minutes away, I'll drive the 20+ minutes to the Palms to enjoy my movie watching experience about 14 billion times more. Are there any plans to renovate the theatre and put in the high quality seating? Asking for a friend.