| - We've had an incredible experience with everyone at Green Valley Fertility Partners. We started our journey in November of 2013 and tried unsuccessfully for over a year. Since my husband and I aren't getting any younger, we decided to start out with another clinic that was recommended to us by a family member. I won't get into those details, but I'll sum it up by saying we felt like a nameless, faceless product on a conveyor belt - just getting pushed through the baby factory. We discovered Dr. Fisch in a Baby Center thread in January of this year and we are so grateful! I followed a few ladies through their entire cycle with Dr. Fisch, which resulted in a few of them getting pregnant and I knew that was where we needed to go next.
Dr. Fisch spent almost an hour and a half with us the first time we met with him. It was obvious he had studied my chart from the other clinic and he went through every detail of why I wasn't getting pregnant and what we would do to make our dream of baby Clifford happen. We appreciated his confidence and while we didn't follow all of his advice - like how we purchased two cycles (a dream option for IVF), transferred our two embryos, and we worried! He was right. We only needed one cycle and we're having twins! I wish I could post photos here of our miracles that are due in November. God is working through Dr. Fisch's office! We can't wait until our "graduation" ultrasound tomorrow (at nine weeks five days) and to bring our babies back to meet him.
Everyone you come in contact with in that office is so interested in who you are as a person, what else is going on in your life, and understands what you're going through. I doubt any other office has a nurse that would text you back at 11 o'clock at night when you're panicking about something that probably didn't deserve "panic". Amy, Emily, Suzette, Juanita, and Jay - we are grateful for every single interaction that made this the most amazing experience. We will never be able to thank them enough.